Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Haircut

Last night Chad pulled up the Hip Hats website that CHLA had recommended to us. To be honest I had forgotten about it. I had assumed there was no way on Earth that Grace would voluntarily cut her hair before it fell out. But I had noticed the hair brush full of hair for two days. We really liked the hair halo idea as it uses her own hair.

At her age, I'm not sure how she'd field the questions from other kids in passing about her bald head. I think a wig for public outings might make her more comfortable. This morning after showing her another handful of loose hair we showed her the website and asked her what she thought. I was floored when she said she'd do it.

Later today she told me she was pulling more of her hair out. She told me she thought that if she lost all of her hair she'd feel better. Again she surprised me with how well she took the news that her hair loss means the chemo is working, not that it will necessarily make her feel better.

She voluntarily took Ella along to Bambino's Kid Hair Saloon. She was amazing. I had stored up so many anxieties for this moment and she took it like it was the most natural thing in the world. No wonder, we had lots of people praying for this. And after it was gone, my brave, beautiful was still smiling. I knew she'd be beautiful without her hair. And she is.

1 comment:

  1. I signed the petition for Mattel to make more dolls with wigs available to kids getting chemo. What a wonderful idea! Please see Alastaire's Mook's music video titled "When I get bald." It was made to support his own child through Chemo and all children going through this. I think you will enjoy it. Thank you for your inspiring blog. Prayers to your lovely and brave daughter.
